









校园警察的使命, 受雇于伯明翰南方学院, is to ensure a safe environment 和 provide service to the campus community. 校园警察局一天24小时工作, seven days a week to provide immediate response to anyone requesting assistance. 


  • 汽车故障,在校或校外
  • 取回锁在车内的钥匙
  • 方向的援助
  • 护送到任何校园地点




    阿拉巴马州进入了恶劣的天气季节, the 校园警察 would like to remind everyone of a few basic safety procedures.




    鉴于我们当今世界所面临的不确定性, 我们向您保证,行政当局, 和 the 校园警察 at Birmingham-南部 College are prepared to deal with emergency situations whether they be natural or man made. The College's Emergency Response Team meets on a regular basis 和 has developed specific procedures for addressing the threats we face in today's environment. 学生发展办公室, 商业与金融, 操作, 电信, 校园警察, 和 通信 are examples of those comprising this organization. 应急小组与总统办公室保持密切联系, 并根据需要审查和修订紧急程序.

    除了校园规划, the 校园警察 和 the ERT also rely on the expertise the local Emergency Management Agency, the Birmingham Office of the FBI 和 local law enforcement agencies as specific plans are developed for the College. These relationships provide us with the latest 和 most accurate information available as we plan emergency procedures.

    在我们的主页上, we invite you to visit the link titled “Emergency Response Information” for a more in depth view of emergency procedures at 澳门新葡京官网. We would further recommend that you visit the Web sites of the American Red Cross 和 the Federal Government related to this issue. 他们是 www.“红十字.org  www.准备好了.政府分别.

    任何涉及犯罪活动的事件, 违反学校政策, or security concerns should be reported to the 校园警察 immediately.

    The ultimate responsibility for personal safety rests with each individual. 时刻注意周围环境和潜在风险, know evacuation procedures 和 report any security concerns to 校园警察.




    If you become involved in an incident or need to report criminal activity, there are a number of ways to report incidents or acquire assistance. 你可透过电话联络校园警察   226-4700   或亲自前往位于布鲁诺入口的警务处.

    当有人向警方报案时, an incident report will be completed 和 the matter will be investigated if necessary. Copies of the incident report are distributed to the Vice President for 商业与金融 和 the Vice President for Student Development. 这些办公室, 与校警合作, will determine the final disposition of the matter reported 和 will recommend the appropriate action to be taken.

    Students are educated in a number of ways as to the reporting of incidents 和 seeking assistance offered by Police. 在迎新期间,学生们会收到有关警察的信息. The 居住生活 staff 和 the Office of Student Development inform students of proper procedures for reporting incidents 和 how to request assistance. The Birmingham-南部 College Student H和book also includes a section concerning Police

    Emergency assistance is offered for medical emergencies, fires, 和 criminal incidents. 校园警察总是在附近处理任何紧急情况.



    Education of the campus community concerning personal safety 和 crime awareness is an ongoing process.

    学生发展办公室, 学生会协会, 宿舍生活工作人员, 和 校园警察 all play vital roles in providing programs 和 information designed specifically to prevent students, 以及教职员工, 避免成为犯罪的受害者.



    • Always lock your dorm room, even if you are only gone a brief time.
    • Do not prop external doors open; the locks are for your safety.
    • Engrave valuables; 校园警察 has an engraver.
    • Report suspicious people or incidents to 校园警察 immediately


    • 开车或停车的时候一定要锁好车门.
    • 尽可能把贵重物品锁在后备箱里.
    • 在交通中要注意行人.
    • 万一遇到麻烦, 如果有人停下来帮忙, ask for assistance but do not get out of the vehicle; keep the doors locked 和 the windows up.


    • 两人或两人以上结伴行走.
    • 走在光线充足、人口稠密的地方.
    • Call Police on a Blue Light Phone if you are suspicious of someone or require assistance.
    • Let your roommate or friend know where you are going 和 en you expect to return.



    Access to the campus is monitored 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Students, faculty, 和 staff are issued decals to be affixed to the windshield of their vehicles. Guests of the College are required to sign in with 校园警察 before entering the campus.

    The College maintains a fence around the campus to define the College property 和 limit access. 布鲁诺入口是进出校园的唯一通道.


    At the end of each business day, officers secure all academic 和 administrative buildings. The buildings are patrolled on a regular basis until they are reopened the following morning. Persons with a valid reason for entering an academic building after it has been secured can request assistance from Police.

    All dormitories at Birmingham-南部 College are locked on a 24 hour a day basis 和 are equipped with combination locks. The combinations are given to residents only by the Office of 居住生活. 按月或根据需要更改组合. 警察一天24小时在宿舍区巡逻.

    Combination locks on each dorm are provided to allow 24 hour security of your living facilities.

    在持续的基础上, 灭火器, 照明, 门锁, 和 other safety features are monitored in both the academic buildings 和 the residence halls. When a problem is discovered, it is reported immediately to the Maintenance Department.

    一年365天24小时安全保障. 校园警察 officers patrol campus on foot, on bicycles, 和 in vehicles. Campus 照明 is designed to provide 24 hour 照明 to all main areas of campus. Inspections of the fire systems in all living facilities are conducted on a weekly basis.



    The Birmingham-南部 College 校园警察 Department is dedicated to the goal of maintaining a safe environment while providing the highest level of service to the College community.

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